Designmatters x Antiracist Classroom
Bianca Nasser, MFA Candidate, Media Design Practices / December 2017
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Bianca Nasser, MFA Candidate, Media Design Practices / December 2017
Stella Hernandez, Faculty, Environmental Design / December 2017
Alvin Oei, Student, Environmental Design / November 2017
Margaux Reynolds, Student, Product Design / November 2017
"Socially conscious designers can inject new ways of thinking into the world to help deal with pervasive social and environmental problems (such as inequity and the hyper-production of wasteful and harmful things)."
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
Lauren Williams and Bianca Nasser, Graduate Media Design Practices / November 2017
Mariko Sanchez, Interaction Design / October 2017