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PCI Rebranding Project

February 2010

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World Health Day 2010: Urbanism and Healthy Living

September 2009

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FamilyPlz! Cancer Prevention Campaign

September 2009

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The Organization of American States Centennial Rebranding Project

September 2009

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“The problem the students were trying to solve, in essence, was how to visualize data. These teams figured out ways to understand, digest and make data real. That’s a difficult task, but bringing together transdisciplinary students seemed to facilitate and accelerate the process. Each of them – product designers, graphic designers, advertising, etc. – was oriented to view and contribute in a unique way that added depth to the concepts.”

Petrula Vrontikis, Instructor

UNFPA: A Campaign Celebrating Population and Development ICPD+15

March 2009

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The Ark Project: A Winter Storm Campaign for USGS

March 2009

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