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Safe Agua: Using Design to Improve Life

January 2009

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Designing Water’s Future

October 2008

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Research for a Gender-Based Violence Prevention Campaign in the Asia-Pacific Region

September 2008

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The Los Angeles Earthquake: Get Ready

September 2008

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The Organization of American States: Rebranding Project

September 2008

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"I learned how to work with and for others and how to put the client’s needs above my own. I had to know everything about my target user and create with them in mind."

Jie Gu, Student, Interaction Design

UNICEF: Sharing Digital Stories in the Developing World

April 2008

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Project Concern International (PCI): Tijuana Mobile Health Outreach Clinic

March 2008

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GE Healthcare: Future Healthcare Solutions for the Aging

September 2007

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