Business for Social Innovation Fellow
City of Long Beach
Innovation Team
Long Beach, CA
Summer 2015
As a member of the Long Beach i-team I had the opportunity and privilege to meet and work with talented, highly motivated and passionate people all who love where they live and want to make it a better place. This enthusiasm was contagious and instilled in me a sense of civic pride. I learned to collaborate with a group of people with very different skill sets then my own and work within the confines of a government. I learned how design can improve the brand of the city and how the design process can better the way cities research, develop and ideate solutions. We found as a team how to balance the needs and wants of the city employees and its citizens while striving to be data-driven versus politically minded. I had a great experience and have grown to love the people of Long Beach.
The partnership between Designmatters and the City of Long Beach has been a wonderful experience. Our Fellow introduced a human-centered design perspective to City Hall that improves both our discovery process and the services we provide the community. Public service and design thinking are both about serving people. It would be wonderful to have more Desigmatters Fellows in public service and city halls across Southern California someday!
Innovation Team
Long Beach, CA
Summer 2015