Divya Gaitonde


Graduate Media Design

Quote from Fellow

Define your values

What values does your practice reflect?

The innovation unit has a strong set of values they stand by, and

it relects into everything they do. It made me think of the values I

wanted to define for myself.

Fail fast and move on

The importance of failing is common advice often, but failing the

right way and moving on takes practice.

Do things that scare you

Do things that scare you and see them through.

Thinking in scale

Thinking in scale changes the way at which you speak about

things. It forces you to be more thorough and systematic.

Tell a story

Everybody speaks a different language based on their

understanding of the world. As a designer and an individual of

society, it is important to reach out outside of yourself and tell a

great story.

Build relationships

Be nice.

There are many other stories, adventures and learning the summer

brought but these few stayed as a reminder on the human in

design and being in dialogue with the worlds outside of the one

you are comfortable in.

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International Development Fellow


Innovation Unit

New York, NY
Summer 2013