Kristen Schlott

Dalberg Global Development Advisors

Graduate Media Design

Quote from Fellow

The Design Impact Group (DIG) is the only design practice embedded within a strategic consultancy purely focused on social impact. Being a summer fellow there was an incredible learning experience, mostly as a result of collaborating with some of the most driven and humbling-ly bright people I’ve had the opportunity to work with (MDP excluded of course).

Over the course of 14 weeks, I assisted on a range of projects – from visual design support, to conceptual modeling and frameworks, workshops, and a trip to Nairobi – and while my role varied from project to project, expectations were always set high. And when projects direction felt uncertain or workload got intense, the studio culture of collaboration and support was one of the most gratifying parts of the whole experience.

Partner Statement

From day one Kristen jumped into the work with enthusiasm and rigor, helping us tackle complex problems across a variety of topic areas. She was a stellar collaborator and we’re thrilled to have had the chance to have her as part of our team.

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Business for Social Innovation Fellow

Dalberg Global Development Advisors

Design Impact Group

New York, NY
Summer 2015