Students touch on the theme of immigration through art
LA Opinion / December 2018
Read MoreDaily News / December 2018
Read MoreJames Meraz, Professor, ArtCenter / December 2018
Jini Keasling, Faculty, ArtCenter / November 2018
Sherry Hoffman, Faculty Director, Designmatters / November 2018
“Innovation is deliberate. It’s about solving problems without creating new ones. To innovate is to enable one to share our natural empathy and be able to allow others a new means for expression. Innovation is something humans and other creatures have been doing forever, be it by instinct or experimentation. We innovate to survive and to create positive solutions to simplify and better our lives.”
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
Amanda Sutanto, student, Environmental Design / November 2018
November 2018