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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Wendy MacNaughton

Wendy MacNaughton / April 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Human Centered Design

Narbeh Dereghishian / April 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: The Healing Cloud Project

Paola Meraz / April 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: The Santi Campaign

Caitlin Anne / March 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Kristine Bowne

Kristine Bowne / March 2016

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"Design can capture and integrate the best of science, technology and art to provide a clear, compelling roadmap to a more sustainable future."

Jerry Schubel Ph.D. President and CEO, Aquarium of the Pacific

15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Dave Foster

Dave Foster / March 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Theo Alexopoulos #DM15YRS

Theo Alexopoulos / March 2016

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15 Years of Alumni Accomplishments: Stephanie Sigg #DM15Yrs

Stephanie Sigg / March 2016

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