Elaine Cheung

Proximity Design

Graduate Media Design

Quote from Fellow

In the Summer of 2015 I worked at Proximity Designs in Yangon, Myanmar as a Media Team fellow. It was an amazing experience, one where I was able to go out into rural Myanmar, engage in field research and design with various emerging technologies and gain exposure to the real workings of how a design firm brings about social impact. I was really moved by how much design thinking was engrained into the inner business workings of Proximity and the creation of empathy towards the user – something I sought to capture as I redesigned their digital presence. The fellowship really captured a perspective of design used in ways to create real and meaningful design that changes lives – from a small village in Bogale to the macro scale of policy in Myanmar to bring about change in all scales. Going to a developing country within an organization aiming to change the way design and development are approached, I was immersed in many ways to new perspectives, experiences and models of impact as a designer.

Partner Statement

Elaine fit right in with our staff and made excellent contributions from the moment she arrived. She worked closely with Geoff Brewerton and our two other Fellows, forming good friendships that have been great for all. We were happy to have her as part of the team!

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Graduate Media Design

Proximity Design

Media Team

Yangon, Myanmar
Summer 2015