Design for Freedom from Disability


California Institute of Technology

Host department:

ArtCenter Product Design Department
California Institute of Technology Mechanical and Medical Engineering Department

DM department:

Mariana Amatullo, PhD, Vice President and Co-founder
Jennifer May, Director
Susannah Ramshaw, Associate Director
Garret Scullin, Coordinator
Steven Butler, Media Coordinator
Brenda Rees, Case Study Writer


Dr. Kenneth A. Pickar, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Medical Engineering (Caltech)
Andy Lin, MS, ATP, Rehabilitation Engineer at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
Jeff Higashi, Product and Interaction Design Instructor (ArtCenter)


Nasser Al-Rayes
Manasa Ashok
Mary Boyajian
Cole Allen
Lucy Chen
Bailey Da Costa
Elliot Davis
Bogdan Dimitriu
Vasant Iyer
Michael Jenson
Ji Hyun Kim
Vanessa Lee
Sumana Mahata
Sheila Murthy
Yawen Qiang
Meera Ramakrishnan
Sophia Rowland
Matthew Simon
Matthew Strong
Ishwar Subramanian
Surya Sundararajan
Harry Teng
Alissa Wang
Yuhan Wang
Amanda Van Deusan
Sherry Yang
Vincent Zhang