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WORKSHOP: Talking Design with Non-Designers w/ Ana Monroe

March 2018

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WORKSHOP: Service Design for a Better World w/ Marina Terteryan

February 2018

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ArtCenter Dialogues with Kayla E.

November 2017

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ArtCenter Dialogues with Antionette Carroll

September 2017

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Guest Lecture: Ezio Manzini – The Politics of Everyday Life

ArtCenter / February 2017

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“When I see really powerful student projects happen it’s because the students have genuinely become interested in and care about who will be using, seeing or encountering their design. It’s an exercise in empathy.”

Arden Stern, Humanities & Sciences, Faculty

Guest Lecture Feb. 7 / David Sherwin (Work in Progress: Becoming a Design Leader)

January 2017

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Hands-on Workshop with David & Mary Sherwin, February 8

January 2017

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ArtCenter Dialogues, Dr. Laura Forlano / LEAP Dialogues Panel Discussion

November 2016

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