"As an artist, my primary aspiration is to connect with other human beings. What better way to actually do so than by actually making a difference in someone’s life?"
Fatima Ghanavi, Graphic Design, Student

"As an artist, my primary aspiration is to connect with other human beings. What better way to actually do so than by actually making a difference in someone’s life?"
Fatima Ghanavi, Graphic Design, Student
“Each student brings individual life experiences, diverse cultural upbringings, varied interests and perspectives to the subject displaying the many ways see and converse about a problem.”
Krystina Castella, Faculty, Product Design
"This class taught students the importance of creating a different kind of 'right.'"
Sean Adams, Graphic Design, Faculty
"One of the best ways to change public perception is to combine art with science.”
Dr. Jerry Schubel, President & CEO, Aquarium of the Pacific
“Innovation is deliberate. It’s about solving problems without creating new ones. To innovate is to enable one to share our natural empathy and be able to allow others a new means for expression. Innovation is something humans and other creatures have been doing forever, be it by instinct or experimentation. We innovate to survive and to create positive solutions to simplify and better our lives.”
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
Created by - Yuki Nori and Grant Higa
“I learned that working together as a team means finding the strengths in your partners, finding the strengths in yourself and bringing those together. But it’s also the ability to see weaknesses, especially your own and knowing the areas you need to work on to get better.”
Anna Violette, Student, Product Design
Video created by Ricardo Imperial Jr. & Isaac Ruiz.
A short film documenting a studio challenge to imagine design in the 2025 product year for lifestyle brand Vans.
“Innovation is deliberate. It’s about solving problems without creating new ones. To innovate is to enable one to share our natural empathy and be able to allow others a new means for expression. Innovation is something humans and other creatures have been doing forever, be it by instinct or experimentation. We innovate to survive and to create positive solutions to simplify and better our lives.”
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
"Socially conscious designers can inject new ways of thinking into the world to help deal with pervasive social and environmental problems (such as inequity and the hyper-production of wasteful and harmful things)."
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
A behind the scenes of the Fall 2014, Vans sponsored trans-disciplinary studio and the design challenge of consumer-driven customizations.
“Innovation is deliberate. It’s about solving problems without creating new ones. To innovate is to enable one to share our natural empathy and be able to allow others a new means for expression. Innovation is something humans and other creatures have been doing forever, be it by instinct or experimentation. We innovate to survive and to create positive solutions to simplify and better our lives.”
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
This book documents the third iteration—in Altos del Pino, Bogotá—of the award-winning Safe Agua project addressing water poverty.
"Being part of this program helped remind me of the importance of the design process, and ultimately why design matters."
Greg Philpott, Founder and President, mDialog
"These projects help every design student see what is on the other side, and opens the door to making the impossible a possibility of hope."
Armie Pasa and Gabriel La 'O, Product Design, Students
A short film detailing the innovative Designmatters-led anti-gun violence curricular program, Where’s Daryl, and its pilot rollout in the Los Angeles Unified School District in spring 2013. A short film detailing the innovative anti-gun violence curricular program and its rollout in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Written and Directed by Benjamin Weiss, Shot and Edited by H.R. McDonald
A witty PSA produced in partnership with the United States Geological Society to raise awareness about tsunami dangers and safety measures.
"It is very empowering for designers to see how their projects can actually make an impact in people’s lives."
Liliana Becerra, Product Design, Faculty
A documentary short about the creation of “Mark & the Jellybean Monster,” part of the Uncool Children’s Book Library Series.
A documentary short about the creation of “Amos' New Life,” part of the Uncool Children’s Book Library Series.
A brochure developed in a design-led studio, Project Coastal Crisis, focusing on public education and action strategies to address rising sea levels.
"In a time when we are bombarded with imagery, it was an amazing experience to really understand the power of design as a vital communication tool."
Christina Nizar, Graphic Design, Student
The students were engaged in very sophisticated research, debate and discussion in this studio, but what really impressed me, in the final production push, was that they were intelligently talking through the options, weighing each decision carefully. The final push was a very mature and professional working team. They worked like a real studio.
Todd Masilko, Associate Professor, Interaction Design
Safe Agua Peru Documentary directed by Erik Anderson
“When I see really powerful student projects happen it’s because the students have genuinely become interested in and care about who will be using, seeing or encountering their design. It’s an exercise in empathy.”
Arden Stern, Humanities & Sciences, Faculty
This multiple award-winning film (Cannes, Art Directors Club) celebrates the 50th anniversary of the aid organization Project Concern International.
A moving PSA highlighting the work of the Organization of American States as part of their 100th anniversary celebration.
Short film profiling the unique social impact design methodologies and project solutions behind the 2010 Safe Agua Chile studio.
"In a time when we are bombarded with imagery, it was an amazing experience to really understand the power of design as a vital communication tool."
Christina Nizar, Graphic Design, Student
"A designer’s desire to change the world can be incompatible with empathy, which necessitates relinquishing the impulse to remake the world as it should be in favor of grasping the world as it is for others."
Arden Stern, Faculty, Humanities & Sciences
An animated short calling for the empowerment of girls and women, in support of the United Nations Population Fund.
"Being part of this program helped remind me of the importance of the design process, and ultimately why design matters."
Greg Philpott, Founder and President, mDialog
A touching short in support of young people the world over and the United Nations Population Fund.
A humorous but cutting look at the way Americans use water, highlighting the need to conserve.
A heart-wrenching look at the need to conserve, and how we might set our water-use priorities.
"The chance to work with real people with real needs is an invaluable learning experience for students."
Simon Johnston, Graphic Design, Faculty
“The two-week experience on the ground in Chile was instrumental. We all felt the same thing; we all saw and experienced the same realities together. We all lived the same moments. And that really helped us later as a design team, as we related our ideas and concepts back to our shared experience.”
Andres Zavala, Student, Environmental Design
A multiple award-winning PSA (ADDY, Telly, Cannes) asking us all to take our share of responsibility for climate change.
A chronicle of the Mpala Integrated Health Mobile Clinic for Remote Communities in Kenya project.
“Though the fields of design, art, social work, advertising and journalism use different languages to describe their process, when we're at our best we're all trying to accomplish something similar: with every creative act, we push people in a purposeful, positive direction. We leave the world better than we started.”
Wendy MacNaughton, Illustration Alum & Faculty
One of a series of PSAs for the UNFPA calling attention to the somber global statistics and consequences of maternal fatalities in childbirth.
One of a series of PSAs for the UNFPA calling attention to the somber global statistics and consequences of maternal fatalities in childbirth.
This PSA is one of a series taking a pointed approach to earthquake preparedness in Southern California.
"All of a sudden, I wasn’t a student working in a classroom in Pasadena, but a person with responsibility and potential to change the world."
Jonathan Goldman Advertising, Student
"In a time when we are bombarded with imagery, it was an amazing experience to really understand the power of design as a vital communication tool."
Christina Nizar, Graphic Design, Student
A humorous, multiple award-winning PSA (ADDY, Cannes) on the subject of family obesity.
An animated short for the AIDS Institute promoting safe sex in the Caribbean through a combination of sensible lifestyle choices and condom use.
"Being part of this program helped remind me of the importance of the design process, and ultimately why design matters."
Greg Philpott, Founder and President, mDialog
An animated short for the AIDS Institute promoting safe sex in the Caribbean through a combination of sensible lifestyle choices and condom use.
An animated short for the AIDS Institute promoting safe sex in the Caribbean through a combination of sensible lifestyle choices and condom use.
A PSA raising awareness of progress toward realization of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
"It’s not just about the product, it’s about the person, it’s about making real impact.”
Margaux Reynolds, Student, Product Design
“The two-week experience on the ground in Chile was instrumental. We all felt the same thing; we all saw and experienced the same realities together. We all lived the same moments. And that really helped us later as a design team, as we related our ideas and concepts back to our shared experience.”
Andres Zavala, Student, Environmental Design
This book documents a project to explore digital story-sharing in the developing world, with field projects in the Philippines and the Caribbean.
This book documents concepts in enhanced mobility design as developed in the Johnson Controls-sponsored “Driven Environment in 2015” studio.
"This class taught students the importance of creating a different kind of 'right.'"
Sean Adams, Graphic Design, Faculty
One of an eye-opening series of PSAs about alcohol marketing, on behalf of the Pan American Health Organization.
A PSA commissioned by the United Nations Development Fund for Women addressing domestic violence.
A PSA warning of the impact of domestic violence on children, distributed by the Pan American Health Organization.
"As artists and designers, we are in a unique position. What we choose to say with this voice that defines us as human beings."
Patrick Hruby Illustration, Student
"Design can capture and integrate the best of science, technology and art to provide a clear, compelling roadmap to a more sustainable future."
Jerry Schubel Ph.D. President and CEO, Aquarium of the Pacific
A pointed PSA in support of gender equality, on behalf of the UNFPA.
The Nyumbani Village Concept Cards were developed to document research, findings and outcomes of the Nyumbani Village: Kenya project.
"Because this was not just an academic exercise, I learned so much about messaging, keeping things consistent, and understanding the psychology of a real campaign."
Liz Levin, Advertising, Student
A parable addressing the topic and tragic consequences of drunk driving among youth.