"The students confronted important issues from personal vantage points, ultimately ensuring that others would care about them, too."
Sherry Hoffman, Humanities & Sciences, Faculty
As part of Project Concern International’s 50th anniversary, students created visual communications projects to promote the work of this humanitarian organization.
Participants in this studio developed a multi-component branding and communication strategy for the NGO Project Concern International.
Students were challenged to formulate a concept designed to restore and sustain Lake Atitlan and its people in the highlands of Guatemala.
"Socially conscious designers can inject new ways of thinking into the world to help deal with pervasive social and environmental problems (such as inequity and the hyper-production of wasteful and harmful things)."
Mari Nakano, Grad Media Design '09, Visual Design Lead, UNICEF Innovation Unit
A collaboration with the Mayo Clinic Innovation Unit and the American Cancer Society to create a mixed-media campaign to promote colorectal cancer screening.